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Apprentice Program

This program was established with the Boheme Opera NJ's first main stage season in 1989 as a targeted initiative for high school students, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Apprenticeship has given selected students the opportunity to become directly involved in the production of professionally staged opera. Those who wanted to work backstage or sing/act on stage were sought out by or joined the Company through interview or audition, depending upon their area of participation. Apprenticeship has built skill, character, self-esteem, experience, endurance, discipline, trust, knowledge, patience, team capacity and sensitivity into the lives of countless young people, many of whom have returned several times to work with Boheme. High school apprentices witness the talent of accomplished artists and take directives from professional designers and stage directors. Most compelling has been the depth, scope and impact of their interaction with professional cast members, choristers and orchestra. Several have gone on to pursue careers in the field of theater and music as a result of their collaboration with Boheme.

Students, teachers and schools interested in Boheme Opera NJ's Apprentice Program can inquire by calling the Boheme administrative office. Auditions/ interviews are provided on a recommendation basis at various times throughout the calendar year, depending upon the Company's upcoming needs.


Boheme's newest program debuted in 2010. Selected students work directly with Boheme Opera NJ professionals in a myriad of tasks related to opera production and administration. Those who complete a designated number of service hours in the program will receive credit towards their graduation. In April 2010, a college intern from Mercer County Community College's Theater Program worked with Boheme's artistic staff as the assistant stage manager in its production of The Pirates of Penzance, receiving two credits towards her graduation. This program will be expanding in upcoming seasons.

Colleges and higher education institutions interested in Boheme Opera NJ's Internships may inquire by calling the Boheme administrative office. Accredited arrangements must be made in advance in order to accommodate student scheduling.


Copyright © 1988-2011 Boheme Opera NJ / Design by Words Take Flight